Vol.2 “30 Ways to Protect Child Rights Around the World: Leave No One Behind!”

Vol.2 “30 Ways to Protect Child Rights Around the World: Leave No One Behind!”
(tentative English title)

*This book is not available in English.

This book was published in October 2019, the year of two milestones: 30 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations and 25 years after the Japanese government ratified it. 

The book presents 30 approaches for empowering children to learn about problems and try to find solutions. It introduces each authors’ efforts to protect child rights and livelihoods in various fields with specific examples. 

The first chapter discusses human trafficking presenting cases of girls from Cambodia to Japan (JK Business). Premature marriage, child labor, and other issues facing children are also dealt with from a variety of angles, making this book an invaluable resource for understanding global issues and learning about one’s rights.       

I was involved in the publication project of this book as an illustrator. I drew each illustration with children around the world in mind and with the hope that the problems mentioned in the book will not be carried over to the next generation. I hope you will pick up a copy of this book and read it for yourself.  (Namura Michiyo)

(Edited by Japan International Center for the Rights of the Child and Machiko Kaida,  Published in 2019 by Godo-Shuppan, 176p, 1,800yen+tax, https://www.godo-shuppan.co.jp/book/b475263.html